The introduction of the biomass boiler in 2013 reduced CO2 emissions. PDV invests annually in equipment that is more efficient and uses less energy. Our energy consumption (electricity, steam, gas ...) are monitored and additionally an energy management system was put in place in 2017.
PDV is constantly looking for production methods to extract as little water as possible from the natural environment.
Effluents are treated in a physico-chemical station and then in a biological station in order to make the water as clean as possible in Vologne. Sewage sludge is converted into compost.

The wood pulp that we use comes exclusively from certified forests , it’s a guarantee of responsable management of forest resources. Papeteries des Vosges are also certified FSC® FSC-C023778 (Forest Stewardship Council®) and PEFC 10-32-2155 (The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification). The majority of manufacturing broke is reintegrated into the manufacturing process with the balance being recycled with office paper.
The wood fibers use to produce paper can be recycled average 5 to 8 times before losing their qualities. To allow the paper industry to produce recycled paper, it is necessary to use virgin fibers (no-recycled). PDV use only virgin fibers to meet the requirements of its costumers and guarantee the quality of its papers. By using and recycling PDV papers, you contibute to the sustainability of the production of recycled papers.

We are concerned about the well-being and safety of our employees, this is reflected among other things by obtaining the international Highly Protected Risk label. We are investing a significant amount in personal protective equipment and improving working conditions and safety. On the other hand, occupational equality between men and women is a major concern for us. We belong to a sector of activity known as heavy industry. Thus its population is predominantly male. We are no exception to this reality, in 2020, 15% of our employees are women. Our remuneration systems are constructed in such a way that they are non-discriminatory. We guarantee equal pay and qualifications for men and women, with the same skills, level of responsibility, career paths and profiles for the same job.

We have put in place a multi-skill system that allows us to meet the needs of the company by facilitating workforce management and, on the other hand, to enable our employees to develop their skills and increase their employability. In 2020, 4 new poly-skills were acquired in Production and Processing Services. We have a total of 22 competent poles divided into production, processing and technical services.
We are very attached to our region and participate in its development. Our company is a member of the network of “ Ambassadors of the Vosges” whose objective is to develop the Vosges economic fabric, enhance the image of the Vosges and promote the attractiveness of the territory. We are also a member of the trade union PAPEST, which represents the papermakers of Eastern Europe, whose activity lies in the work of reflection and proposals leading to the pooling of resources and the exchange of best practices.
"In the team there is a lot of listening and mutual help"
"At PDV, I learned something every day and I will learn more."